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FCR (Frequency Containment Reserve) is a key component of the power system that plays a crucial role in managing frequency stability. It acts as the first line of defense against frequency deviations from the norm, which is particularly important in the context of increasing energy demand and changing energy generation conditions.

Main Features of FCR

FCR is automatically activated as soon as the power system detects a frequency change (e.g., due to a sudden increase or decrease in energy demand). This reserve can respond immediately (within a few seconds).

Frequency Stabilization

FCR works to prevent further frequency deviations and stabilize it at a level close to its nominal value. All countries in the European transmission system (ENTSO-E) are required to maintain a designated amount of FCR, allowing for joint system stabilization.


FCR serves as the first line of defense for the power system against sudden frequency changes. It plays a vital role in ensuring the overall system's stability, preventing potential blackouts. FCR is an essential element of power system operation, supporting energy supply security and operational stability of the grid.

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